Considering purchasing an Oriental rug? Maybe you’re wondering if a Persian rug or an Oriental rug is right for you? Ultimately, the right choice for each person depends on preference. When comparing rugs to make a decision, it helps to consider this checklist:
After answering those questions, make a list of the answers in order of priority. For example, if your biggest priority is a new rug that is authentic, then you will certainly want an Oriental one. If you prefer a warmer color scheme as your top priority and shapes as your second, you may want to start looking for antique Persian rugs.
Whichever you select, be sure to have it properly maintained to protect the investment that you have made for years to come. Make us your first call whenever your rugs need cleaning! Call us at 512-327-1900. We’re here to help!
The post Oriental Rugs Vs. Persian Rugs: Which should you select? appeared first on The Austin Rug Cleaner.